Army veteran Cornelius "The Preacher" Maxwell joins the #YearOfTheVet family to share the journey about his transition back to civilian life, what he see's as a huge contributor to PTSD, and shares with us an idea about a Transition Unit that should be adopted into the military as a means of a much smoother (and safer) transition.

Cornelius dives into how military life affects not only affects the service members coming home, but also family, friends, and the community that welcomes them back home!

As well as fitting back into the society you once left, Cornelius is able to give insight on both sides of the college life, having been a young 19 year old before enlisting, and now being the “old head” as a transitioning 30-year old jumping back into the college life after 3 tours in Iraq.

But the main reason "The Preacher" joins the conversation, is to provide the opportunity for us to reach 100,000 veterans in order to memorialize their legacies through the Honor Our Heroes II: Art Exhibition and Award Ceremony, with artwork depicting the affect of war on the veterans, as well as the affect of war on the family and the communities they belong to. The second Honor Our Heroes Art exhibition and Awards Ceremony will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at the State Capital Building, after a successful first run in New Orleans. 

Every veteran provided will be solidified in history by being placed in a memorial in the Oklahoma State Capital Building. If you'd like to be a part of the memorial please shoot on over to and simply provide the veteran's:

1) Name
2) Rank
3) Date of service
4) Branch of Service


Show Notes

Pre-Army Cornelius (05:44)

Education and the Reading Rainbow (06:43)

The 21 Irrefutable laws of Leadership by John Maxwell “One is too small of a number to achieve greatness” (07:37)

The road into the military (08:25) 

I find out why Cornelius always dresses to impress… at 2 in the morning (09:40)

Cornelius is basically Lieutenant Dan… “The Army is a family industry” (11:00)

The secret of being needed (12:40)

The end of an era. Deciding that it’s time to leave the Army… (15:00)

The story of why I’ve nicknamed Cornelius “The Preacher” (16:19) 

It’s time to become Caesar (19:11)

How to set yourself up for failure… (19:43)

Utilizing other people’s experience of transition to learn from for your own (20:15)

The cultural shift, transitioning into the student vet life (21:30)

Other transition woes: The mindset of “Too Easy!” (25:00)

The importance of ethos and values (27:00)

Cornelius talks about his “Transition Units Theory” (29:15)

I tried to grow a Kimbo Slice beard… (32:40)

What happens when we slow down… (35:03)

How negative transitions affect our communities (39:40)

Cornelius’s own battle with PTSD (41:41)

Honor Our Heroes II: Art exhibition and Awards Ceremony (48:10)

Cornelius’s advice to those leaving the service today! (53:46)

Points of Contact